We are selling four different breeds of hatching eggs and all have been proven, except the Barnevelder Roosters who we are now proving out. Our Roosters are 100% fertile. Pictures will be in order of the list below. Barnyard mix, The Roosters are Barnevelder, and the other Four breeds combined in the Hens are Leghorn, Black Legbar, Silver Gold Laced Orpington and Bielefelder. They lay different size and color eggs ranging from Blue, green, cream, and white. $25 per dozen. Breese, (Heritage), They lay large cream eggs and are great meat birds. Officially considered by some to be the best tasting meat chicken in the world. $70 per dozen. Bielefelder,(Heritage), Great dual purpose birds. They lay large to jumbo brown eggs. $60 per dozen. Tuxedo Coturnix Quail $20 per dozen If you have any questions, email and phone number are down below. Benjamin.